- Wiidanokiindiwag Panel
basket Small birchbark basket with lid covered in orange and white porcupine quills.
Image Volney H. Jones papers, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan
Image Sarah Aquash Shogonosh shows how to make a bull rush mat.
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18816 bullrush mat Sarah Aquash Shogonosh shows how to make a bull rush mat. Volney Jones. 1933. U-M Bentley Historical Library.
- Black Ash Basket with Handle
- “Blueberry” Basket
- Folded Birch Bark Sap Container
- Rectangular Birch Bark Container with Painted Decoration
- Birch Bark Folded Basket
- Mukuk (birch bark container) with Etched Decoration
- Cylindrical Birch Bark Basket
- Birch Bark Maple Sugar Container with Hanging Handle
- Circular Birch Bark Quill Box with Lid
- Circular Birch Bark Quill Box with Lid
- Circular Birch Bark Quill Box with Lid
- Oval Birch Bark Quill Box with Lid
- Rectangular Birch Bark Quill Box with Lid
- Birch Bark Quill Box in Form of a Steamer Trunk
- Circular Birch Bark Quill Box with Lid
- Circular Birch Bark Quill Box with Lid